hello there
- Obi Wan Kenobi
Illustrator・EN/日本語を勉強中です📚・Do not repost / NO AI・
Portfolio→ https://neoillust.net/portfolio・Contact→ https://neoillust.net/contact
Joined on 4/21/24
hello there
- Obi Wan Kenobi
Welcome to Newgrounds!
If you wanna introduce yourself in the BBS, there's a dedicated thread: https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1522958
Hello there. Welcome to Newgrounds. I hope you have a great time around here, during your stay.
As you're a 'new' artist around these 'grounds': please, make sure to 'take-a-look' to the 'Art-Submission-Guidelines', which they're exactly right here, at the following link:
Putting that aside, also, make sure to have fun, since that's one of the main 'purposes' of this site (apart from sharing your creations and projects, 'connecting' and 'socializing' with 'us', the community, and more...)
...And... I think that's all I have to say. In definitive; once more, welcome 'aboard', and see you around.
A cordial greeting, and have a good day o7.
Sounds great. Thank you :)